
Learning Center

Get the answers you need to purchase and operate your Blue Sky Energy and Genasun controllers.

Testing Solar Panels

In this video, Ryan teaches you how to test your solar panels.

Resetting the Current Shunt Zero Offset on the IPN ProRemote

Here we talk about the external current shunt which is utilized by the IPN Remote Display.

Battery Issues

Are you experiencing connection problems with your battery and solar charge controller? In this video we teach you how to diagnose battery issues.

Advanced Troubleshooting

In this video we go over advanced tests you can use to get to the bottom of any problems you may be having with your solar installation.


Multimeter 101

Multimeters are an important tool for diagnosing your system. In this video, we go over multimeter basics.


Panel Issues

Watch this video to learn how to troubleshoot any issues with your solar panels.


Networking Controllers

Watch this video for a step by step tutorial on how to properly network two or more Blue Sky Energy controllers together.


GV-5 Unboxing & Overview

In this video Ryan, our technical support, describes the unique features of the GV-5 MPPT ceramic solar charge controller.


GVB-8 and GVB-8-WP Overview

Unboxing the GVB-8 Boost Voltage solar charge controller.


SB3000i Tutorial

Ryan walks you through the steps to program your SB3000i or SC30 controller to maximize its performance.

Solar Boost 3024iL Basic Settings

Here are some quick tips for programming your SB3024iL using its onboard DIP switches.


Solar Boost 3024iL Duo Tutorial

Here are some quick tips for programming your SB3024iL DUO.


IPN ProRemote

In this video we talk about the operations of the IPN ProRemote, including advanced display set up and recommended settings.

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